Lava ==== This page gives an overview over all public Lava modules, classes and functions. Lava is divided into the sub-packages: - :ref:`The process library ` containing commonly used :ref:`Processes ` and :ref:`ProcessModels `. - :ref:`Magma `, containing the main components of Lava: - :ref:`Magma core ` base classes, definitions and functionality - :ref:`Magma compiler ` compiling and building the network and communication channels - :ref:`Magma runtime ` providing a frontend for execution and control Lava's fundamental concepts and key components are described in :ref:`Lava Architecture `. Explanatory tutorials and example code can be found in the :ref:`in-depth tutorials ` and in the :ref:`End-to-end Tutorial notebooks `. .. py:module:: lava .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 lava.magma lava.proc lava.utils