PilotNet SDNN Example

This tutorial demonstrates how to use lava to perform inference on a PilotNet SDNN on both CPU and Loihi 2 neurocore.

PilotNet Inference

The network receives video input, recorded from a dashboard camera of a driving car (Dataloader). The data is encoded efficiently as the difference between individual frames (Encoder). The data passes through the PilotNet SDNN, which was trained with lava-dl and is built using its Network Exchange module (netx.hdf5.Network), which automatically generates a Lava process from the training artifact. The network estimates the angle of the steering wheel of the car, which is decoded from the network’s raw output (Decoder) and sent to a visualization (Monitor) and logging system (Logger).

The core of the tutorial is lava-dl’s Network Exchange module, which is available as lava.lib.dl.netx.{hdf5, blocks, utils}. * hdf5 implements automatic network generation. * blocks implements individual layer blocks. * utils implements hdf5 reading utilities.

In addition, it also demonstrates how different lava processes can be connected with each other for real time interaction between them even though the underlying processes can be run on various backends, including Loihi 2.

Switching between Loihi 2 hardware and CPU simulation is as simple as changing the run configuration settings.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from lava.magma.core.run_conditions import RunSteps
from lava.proc import io

from lava.lib.dl import netx
from dataset import PilotNetDataset
from utils import (
    PilotNetEncoder, PilotNetDecoder, PilotNetMonitor,
    CustomHwRunConfig, CustomSimRunConfig,

Import modules for Loihi2 execution

Check if Loihi2 compiler is available and import related modules.

from lava.utils.system import Loihi2
Loihi2.preferred_partition = 'oheogulch'
loihi2_is_available = Loihi2.is_loihi2_available

if loihi2_is_available:
    print(f'Running on {Loihi2.partition}')
    compression = io.encoder.Compression.DELTA_SPARSE_8
    print("Loihi2 compiler is not available in this system. "
          "This tutorial will execute on CPU backend.")
    compression = io.encoder.Compression.DENSE

Running on oheogulch

Create network block

PilotNet SDNN is described by the hdf5 file interface network.net exported after training. You can refer to the training tutorial that trains the networks and exports hdf5 file interface at `tutorials/lava/lib/dl/slayer/pilotnet/train.ipynb <https://github.com/lava-nc/lava-dl/blob/main/tutorials/lava/lib/dl/slayer/pilotnet/train.ipynb>`__

A network block can be created by simply instantiating netx.hdf5.Network with the path of the desired hdf5 network description file. * The input layer is accessible as net.in_layer. * The output layer is accessible as net.out_layer. * All the constituent layers are accessible as a list: net.layers.

PilotNet Inference

net = netx.hdf5.Network(net_config='network.net', skip_layers=1)
|   Type   |  W  |  H  |  C  | ker | str | pad | dil | grp |delay|
|Conv      |   99|   32|   24| 3, 3| 2, 2| 0, 0| 1, 1|    1|False|
|Conv      |   49|   15|   36| 3, 3| 2, 2| 0, 0| 1, 1|    1|False|
|Conv      |   24|    7|   48| 3, 3| 2, 2| 0, 0| 1, 1|    1|False|
|Conv      |   22|    4|   64| 3, 3| 1, 2| 0, 1| 1, 1|    1|False|
|Conv      |   20|    2|   64| 3, 3| 1, 1| 0, 0| 1, 1|    1|False|
|Dense     |    1|    1|  100|     |     |     |     |     |False|
|Dense     |    1|    1|   50|     |     |     |     |     |False|
|Dense     |    1|    1|   10|     |     |     |     |     |False|
|Dense     |    1|    1|    1|     |     |     |     |     |False|
print(f'There are {len(net)} layers in the network:')

for l in net.layers:
    print(f'{l.__class__.__name__:5s} : {l.name:10s}, shape : {l.shape}')
There are 9 layers in the network:
Conv  : in_layer  , shape : (99, 32, 24)
Conv  : Process_6 , shape : (49, 15, 36)
Conv  : Process_9 , shape : (24, 7, 48)
Conv  : Process_12, shape : (22, 4, 64)
Conv  : Process_15, shape : (20, 2, 64)
Dense : Process_18, shape : (100,)
Dense : Process_21, shape : (50,)
Dense : Process_24, shape : (10,)
Dense : out_layer , shape : (1,)

Set execution parameters

Configure number of samples, execution timesteps, and readout offset.

num_samples = 200
steps_per_sample = 1
num_steps = num_samples + len(net.layers)
# Output appears delayed due to encoding and spike communication
out_offset = len(net.layers) + 3

Create Dataset instance

Typically the user would write it or provide it.

transform = get_input_transform(net.net_config)
full_set = PilotNetDataset(
    transform=transform,  # input transform
    visualize=True,  # visualize ensures the images are returned in sequence
train_set = PilotNetDataset(
    transform=transform,  # input transform
test_set = PilotNetDataset(
    transform=transform,  # input transform

Create Dataloader

The dataloader process reads data from the dataset objects and sends out the input frame and ground truth as spikes.

PilotNet Inference

dataloader = io.dataloader.SpikeDataloader(dataset=full_set)

Create Input Encoder

The input encoder process does frame difference of subsequent frames to sparsify the input to the network.

For Loihi execution, it additionally compresses and sends the input data to the Loihi 2 chip.

PilotNet Inference

input_encoder = PilotNetEncoder(shape=net.inp.shape,

Create Output Decoder

The output decoder process receives the output from the network and applies proper scaling to decode the steering angle prediction.

For Loihi execution, it additionally communicates the network’s output spikes from the Loihi 2 chip.

PilotNet Inference

output_decoder = PilotNetDecoder(shape=net.out.shape)

Create Monitor and Dataloggers

Monitor is a lava process that visualizes the PilotNet network prediction in real-time. In addition, datalogger processes store the network predictions and ground truths.

PilotNet Inference

monitor = PilotNetMonitor(shape=net.inp.shape,
gt_logger = io.sink.RingBuffer(shape=(1,), buffer=num_steps)
output_logger = io.sink.RingBuffer(shape=net.out_layer.shape, buffer=num_steps)

Connect the processes

PilotNet Inference




Run the network

Switching between Loihi 2 hardware and CPU simulation is as simple as changing the run configuration settings.

PilotNet Inference

if loihi2_is_available:
    run_config = CustomHwRunConfig()
    run_config = CustomSimRunConfig()
net.run(condition=RunSteps(num_steps=num_steps), run_cfg=run_config)
output = output_logger.data.get().flatten()
gts = gt_logger.data.get().flatten()

Evaluate Results

Plot and compare the results with the dataset ground truth.

plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
plt.plot(np.array(gts), label='Ground Truth')
plt.plot(np.array(output[out_offset:]).flatten(), label='Lava output')
plt.xlabel(f'Sample frames (+10550)')
plt.ylabel('Steering angle (radians)')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f86f1e55ca0>