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Custom Learning Rules
Motivation: In this tutorial, we will demonstrate usage of a software model of Loihi’s learning engine, exposed in Lava. This involves the LearningRule object for learning rule and other learning-related information encapsulation and the LearningDense Lava Process modelling learning-enabled connections.
This tutorial assumes that you:
have the Lava framework installed
are familiar with the Process concept in Lava
are familiar with the ProcessModel concept in Lava
are familiar with how to connect Lava Processes
This tutorial gives a bird’s-eye view of how to develop custom learning rules for Loihi. For this purpose, we will create a network of LIF and Dense processes with one plastic connection and generate frozen patterns of activity. We can easily choose between a floating point simulation of the learning engine and a fixed point simulation, which approximates the behavior on the Loihi neuromorphic hardware. We also will create monitors to observe the behavior of the weights and activity traces of the neurons and learning rules.
2. Loihi’s learning engine
Loihi provides a programmable learning engine that can evolve synaptic state variables over time as a function of several locally available parameters and the equations relating input terms to output synaptic target variables are called learning rules. These learning rule equations are highly configurable but are constrained to a sum of products form.
Epoch-based updates
For efficiency reasons, trace and synaptic variable updates proceed in learning epochs with a length of t_{epoch} time steps. Within an epoch, spike events are recorded but trace and synaptic variable updates are only computed and applied with a slight delay at the end of the epoch. This delayed application will theoretically not have any impact as long as there is only one spike per synapse and per epoch.
Synaptic variables
For each synapse, Loihi’s computational model defines a set of three synaptic state variables that can be modified by the learning engine. These are : - Weight W, representing synaptic efficacy. - Delay D, representing synaptic delay. - Tag T, which is an additional synaptic variable that allows for constructing more complex learning dynamics.
Learning rules
The amount of change by which a target synaptic variable is updated at the end of a learning epoch is given by the learning rule associated with said variable. The rules are specified in sum-of-products form:
Z \in \{W, D, T\}
dZ = \sum_{i = 1}^{N_P} D_i \cdot \left[ S_i \cdot \prod_{j = 1}^{N_F^i} F_{i, j} \right]
The learning rule consists in a sum of N_P products. Each i’th product is composed of a dependency operator D_i, a scaling factor S_i and a sub-product of N_F^i factors with F_{i, j} denoting the j’th factor of the current product.
Each product is associated with a dependency operator D_i that conditions the evaluation of a product on the presence of a pre- or post-synaptic spike during the past epoch or evaluates a product unconditionally every other epoch. D_i also determines at what time step during an epoch, all trace variables in the associated product are evaluated. The table below lists the various dependency operators and their behavior:
Dependency |
t_{eval} |
Description |
x_0 |
t_x |
Conditioned on at least one pre-synaptic spike during epoch. |
y_0 |
t_y |
Conditioned on at least one post-synaptic spike during epoch. |
u_{\kappa} |
t_{epoch} |
Unconditionally executed every \kappa \cdot t_{epoch} time steps. |
Scaling factors
Each product is also associated with a scaling factor (constant literal) that is given in mantissa/exponent form :
S_i = S_i^{mant} \cdot 2^{S_i^{exp}}
Furthermore, Loihi provides a set of locally available quantities which can be used in learning rule to derive synaptic variable updates. The table below lists the various types of variables whose value F_{i, j} can assume:
Factor |
Description |
x_0 + C |
Pre-synaptic spike. |
x_1(t_{eval}) + C |
Pre-synaptic trace x_1. |
x_2(t_{eval}) + C |
Pre-synaptic trace x_2. |
y_0 + C |
Post-synaptic spike. |
y_1(t_{eval}) + C |
Post-synaptic trace y_1. |
y_2(t_{eval}) + C |
Post-synaptic trace y_2. |
y_3(t_{eval}) + C |
Post-synaptic trace y_3. |
W + C |
Weight synaptic variable W. |
D + C |
Delay synaptic variable D. |
T + C |
Tag synaptic variable T. |
sgn(W + C) |
Sign of W. |
sgn(D + C) |
Sign of D. |
sgn(T + C) |
Sign of T. |
C |
Constant term (variant 1). |
C^{mant} \cdot 2^{C^{exp}} |
Constant term (variant 2). |
Traces are low-pass filtered versions of spike train that are typically used in online implementations of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). For each synapse, Loihi provides a set of 2 pre-synaptic traces \{x_1, x_2\} and 3 post-synaptic traces \{y_1, y_2, y_3\}. The dynamics of an ideal spike trace is given by :
z \in \{x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, y_3\}
z(t) = z(t_{k-1}) \cdot exp(- \frac{t-t_{k-1}}{\tau^z}) + \xi^z \cdot \delta^{z}(t - t_k)
Here, the set \{t_k\} are successive spike times at which the trace accumulates the spike impulse value \xi^{z} while \tau^z governs the speed of exponential decay between spike events. Finally, \delta^z denotes the raw spike train associated with the trace z.
Example: Basic pair-based STDP
dW = S_1 \cdot x_0 \cdot y_1 + S_2 \cdot y_0 \cdot x_1
where S_1 < 0 and S_2 > 0.
Instantiating LearningRule
Next, we define a learning rule (dw) for the weight synaptic variable. The learning rule is first written in string format and passed to the LearningRule object as instantiation argument. This string learning rule will get internally parsed, transformed into and stored as a ProductSeries, which is a custom data structure that is particularly well-suited for sum-of-products representation.
Here, we use the basic pair-based STDP learning rule defined by :
dw = -2 \cdot x_0 \cdot y_1 + 2 \cdot y_0 \cdot x_1
As a reminder, the main function of the LearningRule object is not only to encapsulate learning rules, but also other learning-related such as trace impulse values and decay constants for all of the traces as well as the length of the learning epoch. The following table lists the different fields of the LearningRule class:
Field |
Python type |
Description |
ProductSeries |
Learning rule targetting the synaptic variable W. |
ProductSeries |
Learning rule targetting the synaptic variable D. |
ProductSeries |
Learning rule targetting the synaptic variable T. |
float |
Trace impulse value associated with x_1 trace. |
int |
Trace decay constant associated with x_1 trace. |
float |
Trace impulse value associated with x_2 trace. |
int |
Trace decay constant associated with x_2 trace. |
float |
Trace impulse value associated with y_1 trace. |
int |
Trace decay constant associated with y_1 trace. |
float |
Trace impulse value associated with y_2 trace. |
int |
Trace decay constant associated with y_2 trace. |
float |
Trace impulse value associated with y_3 trace. |
int |
Trace decay constant associated with y_3 trace. |
int |
Learning epoch length. |
from lava.magma.core.learning.learning_rule import Loihi2FLearningRule
# Learning rule coefficient
on_pre_stdp = -2
on_post_stdp = 2
learning_rate = 1
# Trace decay constants
x1_tau = 10
y1_tau = 10
# Impulses
x1_impulse = 16
y1_impulse = 16
# Epoch length
t_epoch = 2
# Define dw as string
dw = f"{learning_rate} * ({on_pre_stdp}) * x0 * y1 +" \
f"{learning_rate} * {on_post_stdp} * y0 * x1"
# Create custom LearningRule
stdp = Loihi2FLearningRule(dw=dw,
import numpy as np
# Set this tag to "fixed_pt" or "floating_pt" to choose the corresponding models.
SELECT_TAG = "fixed_pt"
# LIF parameters
if SELECT_TAG == "fixed_pt":
du = 4095
dv = 4095
elif SELECT_TAG == "floating_pt":
du = 1
dv = 1
vth = 240
# Number of neurons per layer
num_neurons = 1
shape_lif = (num_neurons, )
shape_conn = (num_neurons, num_neurons)
# Connection parameters
# SpikePattern -> LIF connection weight
wgt_inp = np.eye(num_neurons) * 250
# LIF -> LIF connection initial weight (learning-enabled)
wgt_plast_conn = np.full(shape_conn, 50)
# Number of simulation time steps
num_steps = 200
time = list(range(1, num_steps + 1))
# Spike times
spike_prob = 0.03
# Create spike rasters
spike_raster_pre = np.zeros((num_neurons, num_steps)), np.random.rand(num_neurons, num_steps) < spike_prob, 1)
spike_raster_post = np.zeros((num_neurons, num_steps)), np.random.rand(num_neurons, num_steps) < spike_prob, 1)
The following diagram depics the Lava Process architecture used in this tutorial. It consists of: - 2 Constant pattern generators for injection spike trains to LIF neurons. - 2 LIF Processes representing pre- and post-synaptic Leaky Integrate-and-Fire neurons. - 1 Dense Process representing learning-enable connection between LIF neurons.
Note: All neuronal population (spike generator, LIF) are composed of only 1 neuron in this tutorial.
The plastic connection Process
We now instantiate our plastic Dense process. The Dense Process provides the following Vars and Ports relevant for plasticity:
Component |
Name |
Description |
InPort |
Receives spikes from post-synaptic neurons. |
Var |
Delay synaptic variable. |
Tag synaptic variable. |
State of x_0 dependency. |
Within-epoch spike times of pre-synaptic neurons. |
State of x_1 trace. |
State of x_2 trace. |
State of y_0 dependency. |
Within-epoch spike times of post-synaptic neurons. |
State of y_1 trace. |
State of y_2 trace. |
State of y_3 trace. |
from lava.proc.lif.process import LIF
from import RingBuffer
from lava.proc.dense.process import LearningDense, Dense
# Create input devices
pattern_pre = RingBuffer(data=spike_raster_pre.astype(int))
pattern_post = RingBuffer(data=spike_raster_post.astype(int))
# Create input connectivity
conn_inp_pre = Dense(weights=wgt_inp)
conn_inp_post = Dense(weights=wgt_inp)
# Create pre-synaptic neurons
lif_pre = LIF(u=0,
# Create plastic connection
plast_conn = LearningDense(weights=wgt_plast_conn,
# Create post-synaptic neuron
lif_post = LIF(u=0,
# Connect network
# Connect back-propagating actionpotential (BAP)
from lava.proc.monitor.process import Monitor
# Create monitors
mon_pre_trace = Monitor()
mon_post_trace = Monitor()
mon_pre_spikes = Monitor()
mon_post_spikes = Monitor()
mon_weight = Monitor()
# Connect monitors
mon_pre_trace.probe(plast_conn.x1, num_steps)
mon_post_trace.probe(plast_conn.y1, num_steps)
mon_pre_spikes.probe(lif_pre.s_out, num_steps)
mon_post_spikes.probe(lif_post.s_out, num_steps)
mon_weight.probe(plast_conn.weights, num_steps)
from lava.magma.core.run_conditions import RunSteps
from lava.magma.core.run_configs import Loihi2SimCfg
# Running, run_cfg=Loihi2SimCfg(select_tag=SELECT_TAG))
# Get data from monitors
pre_trace = mon_pre_trace.get_data()['plastic_dense']['x1']
post_trace = mon_post_trace.get_data()['plastic_dense']['y1']
pre_spikes = mon_pre_spikes.get_data()['lif_pre']['s_out']
post_spikes = mon_post_spikes.get_data()['lif_post']['s_out']
weights = mon_weight.get_data()['plastic_dense']['weights'][:, :, 0]
# Stopping
Now, we can take a look at the results of the simulation.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Plot spike trains
# Plotting pre- and post- spike arrival
def plot_spikes(spikes, legend, colors):
offsets = list(range(1, len(spikes) + 1))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
spikes_plot = plt.eventplot(positions=spikes,
plt.title("Spike arrival")
plt.xlabel("Time steps")
plt.yticks(ticks=offsets, labels=legend)
# Plot spikes
plot_spikes(spikes=[np.where(post_spikes[:, 0])[0], np.where(pre_spikes[:, 0])[0]],
legend=['Post', 'Pre'],
colors=['#370665', '#f14a16'])

Plot traces
# Plotting trace dynamics
def plot_time_series(time, time_series, ylabel, title):
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 1))
plt.step(time, time_series)
plt.xlabel("Time steps")
# Plotting pre trace dynamics
plot_time_series(time=time, time_series=pre_trace, ylabel="Trace value", title="Pre trace")
# Plotting post trace dynamics
plot_time_series(time=time, time_series=post_trace, ylabel="Trace value", title="Post trace")
# Plotting weight dynamics
plot_time_series(time=time, time_series=weights, ylabel="Weight value", title="Weight dynamics")

Plot STDP learning window and weight changes
def extract_stdp_weight_changes(time, spikes_pre, spikes_post, wgt):
# Compute the weight changes for every weight change event
w_diff = np.zeros(wgt.shape)
w_diff[1:] = np.diff(wgt)
w_diff_non_zero = np.where(w_diff != 0)
dw = w_diff[w_diff_non_zero].tolist()
# Find the absolute time of every weight change event
time = np.array(time)
t_non_zero = time[w_diff_non_zero]
# Compute the difference between post and pre synaptic spike time for every weight change event
spikes_pre = np.array(spikes_pre)
spikes_post = np.array(spikes_post)
dt = []
for i in range(0, len(dw)):
time_stamp = t_non_zero[i]
t_post = (spikes_post[np.where(spikes_post <= time_stamp)])[-1]
t_pre = (spikes_pre[np.where(spikes_pre <= time_stamp)])[-1]
return np.array(dt), np.array(dw)
def plot_stdp(time, spikes_pre, spikes_post, wgt,
on_pre_stdp, y1_impulse, y1_tau,
on_post_stdp, x1_impulse, x1_tau):
# Derive weight changes as a function of time differences
diff_t, diff_w = extract_stdp_weight_changes(time, spikes_pre, spikes_post, wgt)
# Derive learning rule coefficients
on_pre_stdp = eval(str(on_pre_stdp).replace("^", "**"))
a_neg = on_pre_stdp * y1_impulse
on_post_stdp = eval(str(on_post_stdp).replace("^", "**"))
a_pos = on_post_stdp * x1_impulse
# Derive x-axis limit (absolute value)
max_abs_dt = np.maximum(np.abs(np.max(diff_t)), np.abs(np.min(diff_t)))
# Derive x-axis for learning window computation (negative part)
x_neg = np.linspace(-max_abs_dt, 0, 1000)
# Derive learning window (negative part)
w_neg = a_neg * np.exp(x_neg / y1_tau)
# Derive x-axis for learning window computation (positive part)
x_pos = np.linspace(0, max_abs_dt, 1000)
# Derive learning window (positive part)
w_pos = a_pos * np.exp(- x_pos / x1_tau)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.scatter(diff_t, diff_w, label="Weight changes", color="b")
plt.plot(x_neg, w_neg, label="W-", color="r")
plt.plot(x_pos, w_pos, label="W+", color="g")
plt.title("STDP weight changes - Learning window")
plt.xlabel('t_post - t_pre')
plt.ylabel('Weight change')
# Plot STDP window
plot_stdp(time, np.where(pre_spikes[:, 0]), np.where(post_spikes[:, 0]), weights[:, 0],
on_pre_stdp, stdp.y1_impulse, stdp.x1_tau,
on_post_stdp, stdp.x1_impulse, stdp.y1_tau)

Find out how to use STDP from the Lava ProcessLibrary in the STDP Tutorial.
Follow the links below for deep-dive tutorials on the concepts in this tutorial:
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